Senior Q&A: LAST NAMES M – O
News, Seniors

Senior Q&A: LAST NAMES M – O

Kou Mafatau
Kou Mafatau

Kou Mafatau

Q: What was your funniest high school moment?

A: “Mr. Trehearne always scares and pranks the students and his favorite prank is when he ate the candle.”


Q: What class has made the biggest impact on you? How?

A: “PE games, because Mr. Himes makes the class fun and teaches life lessons.”


Q: What advice do you have for underclassmen?

A: “Try your hardest in your early years so that your later years are easy for you.”


Q: What are you going to do after high school?

A: “I am working in New Mexico with my uncle roofing, which is getting snow off the roofs of businesses, which we get paid a lot for doing.”


Q: What is the funniest joke that you know?

A: “Two guys walk into a bar and the third one ducks.”

Logan Manor
Logan Manor

Logan Manor

Q: What was your funniest high school moment?

A: “Riley Wooden was on Carter’s shoulders, and when he got up there Riley fell over onto his back.”


Q: What class has made the biggest impact on you? How?

A: “Geometry because I will use it in architecture.”


Q: What advice do you have for underclassmen?

A: “Stay up on your homework, don’t fall behind, always come to school.”


Q: What are you going to do after high school?

A: “Going to Ball State to study construction.” 


Q: What is the funniest joke that you know?

A: Did you hear about the guy who cut off the left side of his body?

He’s all right now.

Eloise McKean
Eloise McKean

Eloise Mckean

Q: What was your funniest high school moment?

A: “There are a lot of funny moments in high school. I would definitely have to pin most of those on the pep band. The pep band is filled with a whole bunch of humorous people and when it comes to special events like homecoming, there are more funny moments that are bound to happen.”


Q: What class has made the biggest impact on you? How?

A: “The biggest class that has made an impact on me would have to be an art class that I have taken. If I had to go in depth, I would say ceramics because of my passion for the ability. I have found myself improving in ways other than just building things out of clay. I have become a better person because of Mrs. Zacek and Mr. Steele.”


Q: What advice do you have for underclassmen?

A: “If I had to say only a couple things to the underclassmen, it would be to not stress too much about things and if you are worried about something, contact your teacher during school hours. I say ‘during school hours’ because they are more likely to get back to you. As long as you communicate with your teachers and try to compromise the best that you can with them, then you will be fine.”


Q: What are you going to do after high school?

A: “After high school, I plan on taking a gap year to work on some things before I tackle college. After that year is up, I plan on going to college and majoring in art education.”


Q: What is the funniest joke that you know?

A: “What do you call a gay farmer? A jolly rancher.”

Kinsey Matchett
Kinsey Matchett

Kinsey Matchett

Q: What was your funniest high school moment?

A: “Seeing how many boxes of raisins Levi Shelley can get is always fun. I like watching him create words or towers out of the boxes, and then trying to fit all the raisins in his raisin bag in his car.”


Q: What class has made the biggest impact on you? How?

A: “I don’t know about any class in specific, but I do believe that having a good teacher makes a world of difference. Mr. Trehearne is a great example, since he liked to make sure his students were doing okay mentally and would always offer a shoulder to cry on. It’s very clear when teachers care about you as a person rather than just your grades, and it’s always memorable to me.”


Q: What advice do you have for underclassmen?

A: “If I were to give any advice, it would be to get a planner and write down when assignments are due and what you did in each class each day. I have a very bad memory and I am very forgetful, so having a planner with all that important information in it helps me a lot.”


Q: What are you going to do after high school?

A: “I plan on attending Purdue University and majoring in accounting.”


Q: What is the funniest joke that you know?

A: “I really like what some people call ‘anti-jokes’ such as:

‘Why can’t dinosaurs talk? Because they’re dead’.”

Sabrina McElyea
Sabrina McElyea

Sabrina McElyea

Q: What was your funniest high school moment?

A: “It would probably have to be when the power went out a couple of years ago because of the construction. I was in Mrs. Dye-Conley’s class so we went into the preschool and laid on the beanbags. Mrs. Dye had some battery powered tea-light candles so we used those for light. Some of the other students there read stories as a joke. It sounds kind of stupid, but it was funny when I was there.”


Q: What class has made the biggest impact on you? How?

A: “Biggest impact would have to be a tie between preschool and my internship. Being in the preschool made me realize how much I enjoy working with younger kids. It made me realize what I want to do for a career. Because of the preschool I signed up for an internship to be in a kindergarten which helped me finalize what I want to do.”


Q: What advice do you have for underclassmen?

A: “My biggest piece of advice is to take any opportunities that come our way. Take the dual credit classes if you plan to go to college. Don’t overwork yourself, nothing is worse than doing really well in school then your motivation runs out.”


Q: What are you going to do after high school?

A: “I am going to Ball State to major in early childhood education. My goal is to become a kindergarten teacher.”


Q: What is the funniest joke that you know?

A: “How do you make Lady Gaga mad? Poke her face.”

Alexander Metzing
Xander Metzing

Xander Metzing 

Q: Top items on bucket list?

A:“I want to at least visit Seattle, possibly move to Seattle. I think I want to visit Greece at some point”. 


Q:What class made the biggest impact on you?

A:“Definitely band, because it has a family aspect and you get really close to your fellow classmates.” 


Q:What are your plans after high school?

A:“Major in cyber security at Purdue.”

Logan Mick
Logan Mick

Logan Mick

Q:What class made the biggest impact on you?

A:“My engineering classes, because they have encouraged me to keep going.”


Q:Favorite high school year and why?

A:“Junior year because that is when I really decided what I really wanted to do with my life after high school.” 


Q:What are your plans after high school?

A:“I am going to Purdue to study chemical engineering.” 

Miya Musall
Miya Musall

Miya Musall

Q:What class made the biggest impact on you and why?

A:“Probably personal finance because it helps me learn how I should manage my money as I get older.”


Q:What was your favorite year of high school? Why?

A:“Probably senior year even though we didn’t get much of it because of COVID but just knowing that it is my last year and just trying to make the most of it.”


Q:What piece of advice would you give underclassmen?

A:“Really try to stay on top of your grades and your homework because it is easy to fall behind so make sure you keep yourself organized.”


Q:What are your plans after high school?

A:“I am going to IU Bloomington and I will probably major in business.”

Adam Navarro
Adam Navarro

Adam Navarro 

Q:What was your favorite sports moment?

A:“My favorite sports moment was probably when we went undefeated my sophomore year of high school, I got to follow that team and just how they brought the community together was really special.”


Q:What class made the biggest impact on you? Why?

A:“Algebra two because I failed it and I thought it was the worst thing that could have happened to me at the time but looking back on it I think it really worked out for the best and could have happened to me because you realize that it is just one class and it does not define you. It also kind of helped me figure out what I wanted to do with my life.”


Q:What are your plans after high school?

A:“I plan to go to Ball State to plan in sports administration and hopefully one day become a basketball coach.”

Emily Neal
Emily Neal

Emily Neal

Q:What peer made the biggest impact on you and why?

A:“Probably Zoe Ashcraft because she is one of my friends.”


Q:How do you think you have changed throughout high school?

A:“I think I have just figured out more of my likes and dislikes.”


Q:What is one piece of advice you would give to underclassmen?

A:“To put in the work.”


Q:What are your plans after high school?

A:“I am going to Ball State to become a nurse.”

Hayley Nix
Hayley Nix

Hayley Nix 

Q: What class has had the biggest impact on you?

A: “Probably choir. It’s a really good environment and it’s helped me learn a lot about working together as a group.”  


Q: Best moment in a co-curricular activity?

A: “Once again, choir. We did a concert with a symphony and got paid for it. That was cool.”


Q: Plans after high school?

A: “Going to college to major in secondary math education.”

Carly O'Dell
Carly O’Dell

Carly O’Dell

Q: In what ways do you think you have changed throughout high school?

A:“I have become more mature and more responsible.”


Q:What life skills have you learned while in high school? How did you learn them?

A: “I have learned to deal with other people through my peers.”


Q:What are your plans after high school?

A:“I plan to go to the Marine Corps. I leave November 1st.”


William O’Sullivan

Q:What is one word that you would use to describe this year and why that word?

A:“Unpredictable. The year as a whole has had a lot happen and with school, sometimes things just go a little downhill gradewise and then just go back up.”


Q:What is a piece of advice you would give to underclassmen?

A: “What I would say to an underclassmen is to set some goals, try your best to work on something.”


Q:What are your plans after high school?

A: “After high school there is not a lot I can do. I do want to learn either some stuff in game design or with animals. Figuring out what to do with my life is probably the main thing I’ll be planning to do.”

Ethan Oliver
Ethan Oliver

Ethan Oliver

Q:What is your most embarrassing high school moment?

A:“I didn’t really have an embarrassing moment since I really didn’t talk or do anything with people.


Q:Who was your favorite teacher? Why?

A:My favorite teacher has to be Mrs. Zacek. She was pretty easy going.


Q: What are your plans after high school?

A:“I plan to go to Indiana Tech, and I plan to major in software engineering.”

Marah Osner
Marah Osner

Marah Osner

Q:What is one word you would use to describe this year?

A:“Weird, because it has not been normal and I feel like it has not been like what other senior years have been like.”


Q:How do you think you have changed throughout high school?

A:“I think I have become more mature and learned more about myself throughout the years.”


Q:What are your plans after high school?

A:“To go to Ball State and become an elementary school teacher.”


May 4, 2021

About Author

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Zach Gullion Zach Gullion is a second-year newspaper student and a sophomore at Delta. He plays baseball for Indiana Primetime and Delta, and he enjoys watching the Cincinnati Reds. He also enjoys doing DIY projects, playing spikeball, watching “Friends,” and eating Hot Pockets.


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