Beyond the Science: New Teacher Makes His Return to Delta
Academics, News

Beyond the Science: New Teacher Makes His Return to Delta

By Caleb Elliott

When you are a high school student, probably the most repetitive question kids get asked is “What do you want to do when you graduate high school?” 

Most students have no clue and aren’t fully sure on what they want to do, but for new science teacher Mr. Elijah May, he knew what he wanted to do while he was still a student at Delta.

May was born and raised in Delaware County where he attended Eaton, Albany and Desoto elementary schools.

May was a DHS student from 2009-13 where he found his love for working with students when he was helping with after-school tutoring. 

May HS Pic
Mr. May graduated from Delta in 2013. (Photo provided)

While in high school I had experiences where I got to tutor kids and help them understand concepts,” May said. “I loved getting to see the ‘ah-ha’ moment on their faces when things clicked. There is something very satisfying for both parties in that situation.”

After high school May attended Indiana University in Bloomington for three years and then Indiana University East for another two years. Once he had graduated from IU East he found a job at Monroe Central Jr.-Sr. High School. During his two years there he taught Biology, ICP (Integrated Chemistry & Physics), Anatomy, and a 7th grade PLTW (Project Lead The Way) class called Medical Detectives.

I very much enjoy teaching my Nuclear Chemistry unit in ICP,” May said. “I think that the kids tend to get a lot out of it and enjoy it.”

“In the nuclear chemistry unit students get to learn about the radioactive elements of the periodic table. We take the time to learn what radioactive elements decompose into when they decay,” said May, “We learn about the radiation that is emitted as a result of this decay. We also spend some time talking about how atomic bonds work and the energy that they give off.”

Mr. May teaches his students about working with scientific notation. (Photo by Caleb Elliott)

May also found that some of the current teachers here at DHS have motivated him and inspired him. May had Mrs. Julie Blakely, Ms. Shelli Smith, Dr. Lance Brand, Mr. Terry Summers, Mr. Brad Himes, Mrs. Erica Plumier, and Mrs. Joey Gossett, and Mr. Chris Conley were his administrators as well.

“I had some rough patches as everyone does, but it has shaped me to be the person I am today and I like that person,” said May.

May enjoys watching sitcom TV and movies in his free time and playing video games, and board and card games whenever he has the chance. 

“In the coming years I hope to be heavily involved here at DHS whether it be sports, clubs, or any extracurriculars,” May said, “I hope this, because I fully believe that your involvement changes your experience no matter if it is your job, college, or high school.”

Science teacher Dr. Lance Brand’s relationship with May goes all the way back to when May was a student here at the high school. 

“He was always somebody that was pretty inquisitive, and you could tell that he just had a love of science,” Brand said, “You could just tell that it clicked with him.”

Brand also mentioned that May was very active in the school talent show where he even went as far as winning a cash prize one year.

“One year I did a hip hop dance and the other year I did a tap dance. I’m not sure which year I won, but I got $25 for my performance,” said May.

Since May was a student at DHS he has always had a love for the school of Delta, and now that he’s come full circle and began teaching here it’s like a perfect marriage.

September 17, 2021

About Author

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Caleb Elliott Caleb Elliott is a senior at Delta High School. He plays football, basketball, and baseball. He enjoys watching movies, and hanging out with friends and family. Caleb hopes to win a sectional by the time he graduates


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