High School is a Highway

High School is a Highway

By Cody Dickin

As a 12-year-old, you might have been thinking about saving up for a bike or a new video game, but some other students at Delta High School had different plans.

“I was 12 and I was looking on Facebook Marketplace and it was really cheap, so I saved up my money and I bought it,” senior Ethan Bailey said.

His 1990 Chevy Camaro is one of the many unique cars that can be found in the Delta High School parking lot.

Just like any car, Ginger, as Bailey calls his Camaro, needs to be taken care of. As Bailey tends to be hard on Ginger, he must carefully keep track of the miles so he can change the oil when needed. Additionally, he makes sure to wash and detail the car every few weeks in the summer. 

Black Camaro
Ethan Bailey’s black Camaro, nicknamed Ginger, is a 1990 model. (Photo provided)

Although Ginger is normally in the Delta parking lot, the car is currently parked elsewhere being fixed. Bailey put the wrong u-joints in the car and caused the driveshaft to shake.

He hopes that the car will be back in a working condition soon.

Another interesting car in the Delta parking lot is senior Cam Berger’s 2004 Chevy Trailblazer. 

“I was drifting in my driveway and I wrecked it and it broke down,” Berger said. “It works now, but it is totaled and looks beat up.”

According to Ethan Bailey, Berger’s Trailblazer is one of the junky cars in the Delta parking lot.

Even though Berger’s car might be a junky, he still finds the good in it.

“It is one of a kind. It is kind of wrecked in the front end,” Berger said.

Berger also likes his 5 percent tint and two 12-inch speakers.

To help his car look good, he makes sure to wash the outside and clean out the inside about once a month.

Although Berger does like his car, his dream car would be a Maserati.

Although Berger has yet to purchase his dream car, there is a student at Delta who drives his dream car.

“When I was 14 I built a 1998 Oldsmobile Bravada with a 350 small block Chevy and I wanted to get rid of it. I posted it for sale and my cousin sent me a post of this El Camino that had no engine and it was just sitting around,” senior Christian Ladig said. “So he told me to text the guy and ask if he wanted to trade for it. So I did and the guy ended up trading for it.”

El Camino back view
Senior Christian Ladig is shown with the back view and front view of his 1985 Chevy El Camino. He paid for and rebuilt the car himself. (Photos by Tim Cleland)

El Camino front view

Although many people either get their first car as a gift or get financial help from their parents, Ladig takes pride in the fact that he fully built and paid for his 1985 Chevy El Camino himself.

Ladig, like many others, calls his car “The Mullet.”

Although Ladig does enjoy beating on the Mullet, there are some negative effects of this. Currently, both oxygen sensors on Ladig’s car are broken. For that reason, it has been in the shop for the past couple of months, but it has been in worse condition these past few weeks.

Another car in rough condition would be junior Will Kile’s 1994 Ford F150.

According to tennis coach Tim Cleland, Kile’s truck is a junky truck.

“They are just jealous,” Kile said. “People are jealous.”

Currently, Kile’s truck will not go into park. The shifter cable is broken so he has to make sure to block his wheels from moving by jamming something behind the wheels.

“Normally, it runs pretty well and it is a pretty old truck,” Kile said. “It has a custom paint job. Normally, it is pretty nice.”

Kile’s favorite feature of his truck is his horn.

“It is like a musical horn,” Kile said. “It is like the army trumpet wake up call.”

These are only some of the interesting cars in the Delta High School parking lot. Some other abnormal cars in the parking lot would be junior Eli Stephenson’s 1996 Ford F350,  senior Owen Vest’s 2003 PT Cruiser, and senior Josh Hearn’s 2006 Prius. 

Another unusual car that is in Delta High School’s parking lot would be junior Eli Stephenson’s 1996 Ford F350.

With 125,000 miles on it, the Duke, as Stephenson calls it, is still running well.

Although it might not be the most expensive car in the parking lot, Stephenson still likes his car a lot.

“It is my favorite truck just because it is mine,” Stephenson said.

If you travel to the north side of the parking lot, you might also be able to see Vest’s bright blue 2003 PT Cruiser.

“I don’t see anyone else having that type of color on that type of car,” Vest said. “It’s just the PT Cruiser so you can’t go wrong with that.”

Finally, Hearn’s 2003 Prius has been called a junky car by a few people at the high school.

Fuego, as Hearn calls the car, has been in three accidents, so it is in rough shape.

December 16, 2022

About Author

codydickin Cody Dickin is a senior at Delta High School. He enjoys playing soccer and playing in the band.


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