By Matthew Shears
The library is getting a change after many years. Every time you go to the library you might expect to look all over for a book you might like but now you will just need to know the genre you are looking for.
Now with the new organization people all over the school should be able to find exactly what they are looking for.
“I think by doing this it’s a lot easier for students to find a book with their interests,” media specialist Mrs. Miranda Hummel said.

“I read about genrefication in some articles and heard about it from some other school librarians and instead of having it alphabetized by author’s last name, genrefication fits it into different categories such as romance, history, sci fi, sports,” she explained.
This new style in the library is coming soon.
“Hopefully soon here before Christmas break we will try to get it going, then it will just be a work in progress,” Hummel said. “Hopefully we will have it done by spring break.”
The change might bring some people back to start going to the library more often once again. Since libraries have been on the decline for schools with the new technological age, Hummel thinks this might fix this problem for her library.
“I think the number is higher on the side of students who don’t check out books and they’re busy reading required reads for English or homework, but maybe with the new organization it’ll appeal to more people and we’ll get more people up here,” she said.
Some students will be helping Mrs. Hummel with the reorganization. One of those students is senior Grayson Zoller.
“I think [the organization] will get more people to come to the library, which will make me happy,” Grayson said.