Earlier Than Expected

Earlier Than Expected

By Brylee Beckley  

College dual-credit classes impact more than just students. They also change the lives of teachers.

In 2013, Delta became the 13th high school in Indiana to become a certified Early College High School. University of Delta High School (UDHS) is authorized as a formal program of dual-credit classes that form pathways to college or technical certifications. 

UDHS offers more than 100 college credits prior to graduation, which makes students able to start college as a sophomore.

“These classes allow students to explore areas of interest while still in high school and without the added expense college imposes,” Principal Chris Conley said.

pic of design on a table top
UDHS was created in 2013. (Photo by Brylee Beckley)

To offer these dual-credit classes, teachers need higher levels of education. Biology teacher Mr. Adam Lennon is beginning his 13-month long master’s degree program. 

With Dr. Lance Brand’s transition to assistant director of technology for Delaware Community Schools, an opening developed for a biology teacher who was teaching higher level classes. These classes were Advanced Ivy Tech Bio 111, and Advanced Ivy Tech anatomy-physiology 101/102. UDHS had previously offered an in major biology class through Ball State University, that Mr. Brand had also taught.

Lennon is currently transitioning to become the teacher of these classes. However, he needs a master’s degree to teach them.

Last year Lennon only taught Biology 1, but now he teaches four sections of Bio 1, one class of Ivy Tech Bio 111, and one Anatomy-Physiology class. For the 2024-2025 school year, or when the current sophomores are seniors, Lennon plans to teach the Advanced Anatomy-Physiology and transition the Ivy Tech Bio 101 to Ball State University Bio 101.

Lennon plans to work on his assignments online in his free time when he is not with his wife, Taylor, and their 7-month-old baby, Henry, grading assignments, or other obligations. His main hours of the day he will complete his homework will be after dinner and before bed.

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Mr. Lennon an his wife Mrs. Lennon have a 7 month old baby, Henry. (Photo Provided)

Lennon’s first class is called Reflective Educator. In this class he will be analyzing curriculum, using reflective thinking, and seeing areas of improvement that can be done through qualitative research as well as quantitative research. 

“I am learning how to be a good reflective educator,” Lennon said. “A part of being a good teacher is always looking back on lesson plans and seeing what ways we can improve them, ways to increase student success, etc.”

Lennon has long had a goal of pursuing a master’s degree, but he never imagined starting it just seven months after having a baby.

“I did not think I’d have to do it as soon as I am, but when you have an opportunity you seize it,” Lennon said.

February 16, 2023

About Author

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bryleebeckley Brylee Beckley is a sophomore at Delta. This will be her second year in Journalism. Brylee is on the varsity cheer and tennis team here at Delta. She loves to watch The Bachelorette/Bachelor series.


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