Doppelgangers from Delta
Features, Seniors

Doppelgangers from Delta

By Kylee Robles

Senior Polly East is getting ready for her last soccer season at Delta. In the same locker room freshman Aubree Jarrells is putting on her shin guards, hoping to meet new people on the team. Little does Aubree know she is about to meet her long lost twin.

Although the girls look in the mirror and don’t see the same thing, their personalities are still a match.

“We both knew that we were gonna be alike once we figured out that we both don’t care what other people think about us, and we will get up to dance and sing anytime, anywhere,” Polly said.

People say you learn something new every day, but Polly and Aubree have learned lots much from each other just from a couple of months.

“I have learned what it feels like to be wanted as a friend,” Aubree said. “I also have become much more mature through Polly.”

Polly and Aubree have been through lots of adventures together, but their all time favorite memory of each other is spending time together and listening to music during crazy swim meets. Water splashing everywhere, people screaming to support their team – yet Aubree and Polly always manage to stick together.

Senior Polly East (right) hugs her mini-me freshman Aubree Jarrells (left). (Photo Provided)

Another pair of best friends and swimmers are senior Erika Grams and freshman Mia Torres. They became best friends when Mia came up to Erika during a swim meet and said let’s be the new Polly and Aubree.

Mia’s favorite memory of Erika was when she tried a bell pepper for the first time.

Even though they haven’t been friends for long they both feel as if they have seen each other grow significantly.

“I feel like Mia has become more confident in herself and she’s just growing up, and it’s fun to watch.” Grams said.

“Erika’s definitely learned to be more independent and I’ve just seen her become stronger and I’m very proud of her for that,” Torres said.

Senior Erika Grams (right) poses for a picture with her mini-me freshman Mia Torres (left). (Photo Provided)

These two girls have only known each other since the beginning of the year, but they could tell you everything about the other.

“If I could describe Erika in one word it would be resilient,” Torres said. “She’s the type of person to give everything and everyone around her 100 percent even when she can’t do that for herself.”

Although Erika and Polly will be attending college next year the girls still plan to stay in touch with each other. Aubree is planning to drive back and forth to Polly and Polly is planning to come back every weekend to see her.

But Erika and Mia have something different in mind.

“Mia is definitely hiding in my suitcase and moving in with me,” Grams said.

May 16, 2023

About Author

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kyleerobles Kylee Robles is a freshman in DHS. She enjoys doing cross country, track and swim. But also eating her pancakes with mustard.


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