By Ava West
The new $6 million fitness center has many uses for a variety of students. While students are not allowed to use the fitness center freely, there are many ways to utilize it during and after the school day.
¨If you’re in there you have to be supervised by a coach so that again students just can’t go in there and work out,¨ Principal Chris Conley said.
Although it is more difficult for students that aren’t part of a team to use the fitness center after school, there are ways for those students to train in the fitness center.
“During the school day the fitness center is used for our advanced P.E. classes, weight training, and then our regular P.E. classes also use the upstairs for the track,¨ Principal Conley said.
To use the fitness center during the school day you can sign up for advanced phys ed or weightlifting during school. They also offer after-school weightlifting for off-season or in-season athletes nearly every night.

While using the fitness center, all equipment is open to all students, but the new equipment is more complex than the old.
¨I would say if it’s someone new coming to the building to definitely go with someone that’s more experienced and work with a teacher or myself to get comfortable with everything,” phys ed teacher and football coach Chris Overholt said.
¨Starting in January we do off-season conditioning lifting for all sports, and people don’t have to be in a sport to actually do that, so they can come in and it’s after school three days a week,” Overholt said.
Weightlifting is after school until 5 or 5:30 each night that it is offered.
¨We’ve had to chase some kids out early …. We can’t have kids in there working out without supervision because if someone were to get hurt it’s a tremendous insurance liability,” Conley said.