Always On The Go
Academics, Features

Always On The Go

By Fancy Robbins

“You’re spreading yourself too thin.” 

This is something senior Grace Flowers often hears.

But, that fails to affect her. She participates in 11 different extracurriculars – and is president in three of them. 

“I would also say that it seems like a lot, but it doesn’t seem like a lot to me,” Flowers said. “I think I was just wired to be a busy body and I thrive in that environment.”

She has an internal and competitive drive that continues to motivate her to participate in so much.

She’s the president of the Class of 2024 at Delta High School, the president of Riley Dance Marathon (Delta Dance Marathon), president of the Environmental Club, and vice president of the Student Council. She leads in Fellowship of Christian Athletes, swims, plays tennis, and is also a member of 4-H, Freshman Mentors, Chick-fil-A Leaders Academy, and National Honor Society.

Not a lot of students in Grace’s class were willing to take on leadership positions, especially being freshmen straight out of quarantine, so she decided she would be the one. She knew that for the rest of high school she wanted to be in charge. 

“Coming out of Covid-19, being isolated made me want to be around people more and get involved,” Flowers said.

But, that’s not the only reason why. She’s always loved serving others and having the ability to make an impact. 

On top of helping out the community, she also influences other people to get involved.

Grace’s sister, Ava, is a freshman who continues to be inspired by her older sister every day. She even enjoys joining different clubs.

Ava and GFrace flowers
Grace Flowers (left) and her younger sister Ava pose while on vacation. (Photo Provided)

“[Grace] is leaving a legacy that people have to uphold,” Ava said. “Especially with Riley Dance Marathon she’s set the bar so high that when she graduates it’ll be the new normal.”

Last year the school raised $21,850.23 for Riley Children’s Hospital.

Choosing to participate in various activities has helped her in multiple ways. These include meeting new people, learning how to stay organized, and growing and maturing as a person. 

“I think it’s made me gather a lot more perspectives, especially reaching out to people,” Flowers said. “You hear a lot of stories and gain perspective and compassion for others.”

It’s also helped her with public speaking, which has benefitted her in different activities. This especially helps her presidential positions.

At the Riley Dance Marathon, Grace will give a speech in front of everyone multiple times throughout the night, like she has done before. At her graduation in June 2024, she will give a speech in front of hundreds of attendees.

grace gives speech
Grace gives a speech in front of Riley Dance Marathon attendees in March 2023. (Photo Provided)

Although there are many pros from participating in multiple events, there also are some cons. It’s a given that 11 extracurriculars, including two sports, would be stressful. 

For Grace, that’s not an issue. Throughout the years she’s learned how to manage her time well and how to relax. 

Riley Dance Marathon, tennis, and swim takes up most of her time. During the winter and spring season for her sports, she’s at practice nearly every day. The three months before the Riley Dance Marathon in the springtime, she does something every day for it.

“I do get overwhelmed sometimes and I say ‘yes’ to too many things. Sometimes I do have to say no,” Flowers said.

Grace keeps a planner and makes sure she knows what needs to be accomplished every day. She’s mastered the ability to stay organized and on top of her schoolwork and activities.

Delta Student Council sponsor and teacher Mrs. Julie Blakely sees it first hand.

“Grace has the skill of prioritizing; she is able to be an honors student, athlete, and a force in her many volunteer and organizational activities,” Blakely said.

November 6, 2023

About Author

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fancyrobbins Fancy Robbins is a senior taking her fourth year of journalism at Delta High School. She enjoys hanging out with friends and family and watching her favorite shows, Gilmore Girls and Victorious. She loves to write and is going to Ball State University to study sports journalism.


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