Top 20 Profiles
Academics, Features, Seniors

Top 20 Profiles

By Gaige Winchester


(1) Kathryn Alexander (Full story at this link)

(2) Bailey Thompson (Full story coming soon)

(3)Ella Bright, third in the 2022 class, is also a cheerleader. She said if she could invite anyone to her top 20 banquet she would invite Zendaya because she has had a big impact on her growing up. In the future, she sees herself as a speech pathologist working with kids in a big city and starting a family. 

(4)Ellie Summers, ranking fourth in her class, is an avid softball player who looks up to her pitching coach, Joel Baker. She’s been working with him since age 10 and she will be inviting him to the top 20 banquet. She listens to indie music and her favorite artist is Taylor Swift.

Ellie Summers (Photo by Gaige Winchester)

(5)Aidan Pierce, who is fifth in the class of 2022, said he took many dual credit courses which helped him earn such a high rank. He plans to invite technology teacher Mr. Ron Curry to his top 20 banquet because he has made a big impact on him.

(6)Madelyn Haley, sixth in the 2022 class, said if she could give a freshman advice, she would tell them to put themselves out there. In the future, she sees herself in med school and starting a family. One of her favorite memories from high school was meeting her two best friends, Sydney McKinney and Maxx Martinez.

(7)Olivia Miller, number seven in the class of 2022, sees herself attending optometry school in the future. She also wants to travel to Greece because of the beauty in the scenery. She enjoys alternative music, and her favorite artist is The Lumineers.

(8)Madalynne (MJ) Smith, who ranks eighth in the 2022 class, enjoys playing volleyball for Delta and spending time with her friends. If she could give advice to a freshman, she would tell them not to stress so much over a single test or assignment.

(9)Shelby Gillis, number nine in the class of 2022, sees herself as a veterinarian in the future. She also wants to travel to Paris to eat the food. She plans to invite her dance teacher, Michelle Haskell, who has influenced her since her childhood.

(10) Adam Altobella, who ranks number 10 in the class of 2022, is a Wabash College signee for tennis. After Wabash, he wants to attend law school and own his own law firm. You can typically find Altobella near a tennis court with an Arizona green tea in his hand.

(11) Andrew Hewitt, number 11 in the 2022 class, enjoys singing, traveling and Arnold Palmers. He said some of his most fond memories during his years in high school were his spring break trips.

(12) Maggie Hunt, number 12 in the class of 2022, also plays tennis for Delta. She hopes to be able to travel abroad and work in a zoo in the future. She said if she could invite anyone to her top 20 banquet she would choose Ryan Reynolds because she would want to talk to him about his movies.

(13) Haley Blanchard, number 13 in the class of 2022, said she earned this rank because she likes to study with her friends. She said some of her favorite memories from her high school years were the homecoming football games.

(14) Eden Richey, number 14 in the class of 2022, also plays tennis for the Eagles. She plans on inviting her assistant tennis coach, Tate Dishman, because of the impact he’s had on her. In her lifetime, she wants to travel to Egypt and Israel to see the historical sites.

(15) Gwendolyn Clark, number 15 in the class of 2022, said if she could give a freshman advice, she would say don’t stress about your weak classes, just do your best. She plans to go to law school after college.

(16) Amber Langdon and Ella Painter are currently tied for sixteenth in the 2022 class. Langdon plans to work for an animation company, while Painter plans to go into the medical field. They both agree however on how they would advise a freshman today: they would tell them not to stress and just appreciate your high school years.\

(18) Hannah McDowell, ranking 18 in the class of 2022, wants to travel and be able to have a business built off videography in the future. In her lifetime, she wants to travel to Australia to see the scenery.

(19) Trinity Wine, number 19 in the class of 2022, plans to work in surgery in the future. She said one of her favorite memories from her high school years was senior night for soccer. It was raining, but the game was competitive and filled with emotion, and the Eagles came out on top.

(20) Janay Cicotte and Joseph Edwards are tied for 20th in the class of 2022. Cicotte said she plans on inviting Ms. Camp because she has influenced her throughout high school. She enjoys Chex mix, muddy buddies and drinking Sprite. Edwards wants to travel to Vatican City in the future, and he enjoys listening to classical music.

(22) Sam Marshall, ranking twenty-second in the class of 2022, is looking to crack the top 20 during his final semester at Delta. In the future, he wants to travel to Ireland and Scotland to see the scenery. He’s a big fan of classic rock and his favorite artist is Led Zeppelin.

May 16, 2022

About Author

Gaige Winchester 2021

Gaige Winchester Gaige Winchester is a senior at Delta. He plays Baseball for Delta, and enjoys lifting weights, pickup basketball, and playing spikeball with his friends. He is a fan of Buffalo Wild Wings, The Tampa Bay Rays, and The Miami Heat.


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