Top 20 Rankings
News, Seniors

Top 20 Rankings

By Brylee Beckley

*All places are not finalized until the end of the 2022-2023 school year*

(1) Rebekah Thorpe, Feature story coming soon on this website

(2) Zach Gullion, Feature story coming soon on this website

                                           Rebekah Thorpe and Zach Gullion are one and two of the senior class.

(3) Cody Dickin, currently third in the 2023 class, plans to study chemical engineering at Purdue University. In the future he wants to travel to Brazil. He enjoys listening to music by Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit.

(4) Chloe Ashcraft, ranking fourth in her class, is the president of Student Council and treasurer of the senior class officers. She sees herself becoming a speech language pathologist. Her biggest inspirations in life are her older sister, Zoe, along with her parents.

(5) Hailey Conner, fifth in her class, says if she could give any advice to freshmen it would be to take it seriously and turn in homework. She plans to attend Indiana University and study biology.

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                                    Cody Dickin, Chloe Ashcraft. and Hailey Conner are top five in the 2023 senior class.

(6) Isaiah Brewer, who ranks sixth in his class, plans to study agriculture systems management at Purdue University. He completed 3 years of varsity track, 3 years of varsity football, and one year of varsity wrestling. He says if he could invite anyone to the Top Twenty banquet he would invite Margot Robbie. Feature story over Isaiah by Caleb Elliot

(7) Rhian Cline, taking number seven in her class, plans to study biology with a focus in pre-med at Miami University of Ohio. She has been involved in girls’ soccer, girls’ track and field, Chick-fil-A Leaders Academy, freshmen mentors, ping pong club, and environmental club. If she could go anywhere on vacation she would go to Greece.

(8) Edward Krzemienski, number eight in his class, thinks being in the top of his class is important because better grades can give students scholarships and opportunities down the road. His favorite artist to listen to is Bruno Mars. He plans to attend Purdue University to study engineering.

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                                                                         Isaiah Brewer, Rhian Cline, and Edward Krzemienski are ranked in the top 20.

(9) Owen Vest, number nine in his class, has been involved in tennis, marching band, and jazz band. Some of his favorite artists to listen to are Pantera, Pearl Jam and Guns ‘N’ Roses. He will attend Ball State University to study music media production.

(10) Kadence Rector, ranking number 10 in the 2023 class, says her advice to freshmen is to enjoy your time here, do not take everything so seriously, and just have fun. Her ideal vacation would be anywhere that is warm. Her plans are to study biology at Ball State University.

(11) Sophia Campbell, number 11 in her class, looks up to her father in her life. She plans to attend Ball State University and later become a social worker. Her advice to freshmen is to not wait to take your hardest classes until your senior year.

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                           Owen Vest, Kadence Rector, and Sophia Campbell are nine, ten, and eleven in the senior class.

(12) Emily Hayes, who is number 12 in her class, has been class president for all four years of high school and also serves as president of freshman mentors. She has been a member of National Honor Society, Chick-Fil-A Leaders Academy, environmental club, Riley Dance Marathon, PRIDE team, 4H, girls’ tennis, and various equestrian teams. She would invite Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the Top Twenty banquet, because she is a feminist legend who Hayes looks up to for her dedication to women’s rights. She plans to go to Ball State University, to major in political science on a pre-law track, and double minor in fashion industry studies and Spanish.

(13) Grant Marcum, number 13 for the class of 2023, is a member of National Honor Society. If he was able to invite anyone to his Top Twenty banquet, he would invite Bob Ross. He plans to attend Ball State University to study computer science.

(14) Christopher Bankson, ranking number 14, plans to attend Rose Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute to study mechatronics. He thinks high grades lead to going far in life because more prestigious colleges lead to higher paying careers. He says that if he could go anywhere for vacation that he would probably just stay home.

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                                      Emily Hayes, Grant Marcum, and Christopher Bankson are in the top 20 of their class.

(15) Brandon Isler, ranking number 15, will attend Indiana Wesleyan University to pursue an undecided major. He thinks being in the top 20 is important because it shows that he has put in a lot of work academically.

(16) Iva Witter, who ranks number 16 in her class, is involved in student council, National Honor Society, Riley Dance Marathon planning committee, and girls’ tennis. She says ever since she was little she has looked up to her mother. She will attend college at Ball State University and study biology.

(17) Eleni Bow, number 17 in the class of 2023, plans to study journalism with concentrations in magazine media and photographic storytelling at Ball State University. She is the president of the Spanish Club, an editor of the Deltonian yearbook, and an award-winning member of Eagle’s Eye newspaper class. In her future she sees herself traveling to Spain.

student school picture
                                                    Brandon Isler, Iva Witter, and Eleni Bow are 15, 16, and 17 in the senior class.

(18) Hudson Kishel, number 18, plans to attend Purdue University and study economics. His favorite teacher he had all throughout school was Mr. Knickers from sixth grade. When leaving high school he will miss the fajitas from lunch the most.

(19) Keirstan Ashcraft, number 19, will study dental hygiene at Ivy Tech Community College. Her favorite memories from high school are being in the Blue Crew on Friday nights. She thinks she is in the top 20 because she put forth strong effort throughout all of high school.

(20) Clay Batio, closing out the top 20, says that as a freshman he wished he would have taken the advice from a wise senior to shave his mustache. He has completed 4 years of varsity cross country, 3 years of varsity baseball, and 2 years varsity track. He plans to attend Trine University to study design engineering technology. While he is there, he plans to run track, cross country, and go to the ROTC program for the Air Force.

                         Hudson Kishel, Keirstan Ashcraft, and Clay Batio round out the top 20 for the 2023 senior class.
May 11, 2023

About Author

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bryleebeckley Brylee Beckley is a sophomore at Delta. This will be her second year in Journalism. Brylee is on the varsity cheer and tennis team here at Delta. She loves to watch The Bachelorette/Bachelor series.


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